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5 thoughts on “Ep. 2 – The Unexpected”

  1. I’m not sure where you get the idea that Elijah erred or somehow went against God, when he ordered the idolatrous priests of Baal to be killed. It is clearly written in Deut. 13 and 17 that the quick and decisive execution of known idolaters was God’s charge to his people, under the Law.

    1. True. But in the text of 1 Kings this is not explicitly commanded. We would of course have to interpret the actions based on the Dt. 13 and 17 passage. It can of course be assumed that Elijah would have known about this command in the law but why did he wait to act until he did? If he were really acting out of the law wouldn’t he have sought kill the prophets before he egged then on and made a fool of them before the nation? It just feels like Elijah may have been acting with a more vindictive attitude rather than a true attitude and heart of justice.

      1. May I suggest that this represented a good opportunity to fulfill God’s requirement under the law? Here, following this great display from God, the people of Israel have witnessed that Baal is nothing and have turned back to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Likewise they have witnessed (a very important part of the Law, when the penalty for a crime is death) that these 450 prophets are idolaters who’ve been leading the Israelites astray. 1, The prophets are gathered together. 2, the prophets have been shown to be idolaters. 3, the prophets are responsible for leading their fellow Israelites astray – Another sin of the law, necessitating execution. I believe that, had Elijah’s act been premature or somehow offensive to God, there would be no doubt about it, as there was no doubt about how God felt when Moses struck the rock he was told to speak to, for water to come forth. That’s my two cents, anyhow. God bless you and your ministry!

  2. The thing that struck me was less about the fact that the prophets were struck down and more about how Elijah felt afterward. Worshipping idols, according to the law, was most certainly a sin punishable by death. However, while it may have fulfilled the requirements of the law, it was an action that left Elijah wanting something more. It did not bring him the satisfaction he was hoping.

  3. I don’t know that Elijah was thinking he would feel satisfied or not – I mean that I literally do not know. I do know that he was the only prophet standing up to Ahab and Jezebel. Even after the Mount Carmel display, people still listened to Jezebel and she was gunning for him. No doubt he felt alone in his efforts and, perhaps, felt like the Mount Carmel display was almost pointless, as the people still followed Jezebel and Ahab. In either case, Elijah definitely needed a divine sign and divine support, to be heartened for the next part of his mission. Which, of course leads into the anointing of Elisha, as Elijah’s successor – and now Elijah’s not alone! *applause* But I meant no disrespect, and I hope you didn’t take it as such. God bless and keep you!

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